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  • #4823 d3b7b2d Thanks @ematipico! - Biome now resolves globs and paths from the configuration. Before, paths and globs were resolved from the working directory.

  • #5235 7037c0f Thanks @siketyan! - Removed the --config-path argument from the biome lsp-proxy and biome start commands.

    The option was overriding the configuration path for all workspaces opened in the Biome daemon, which led to a configuration mismatch problem when multiple projects are opened in some editors or IDEs.

    If you are using one of our official plugins for IDEs or editors, it is recommended to update it to the latest version of the plugin, or you will get unexpected behavior.

    If you are a developer of a plugin, please update your plugin to use the workspace/configuration response instead of using the --config-path argument. Biome’s LSP will resolve a configuration in the workspace automatically, so it is recommended to keep it empty unless you are using a custom configuration path.

  • #5226 983ab6f Thanks @Conaclos! - Previously the lint rules noControlCharactersInRegex and noMisleadingCharacterClass checked both regular expression literals like /regex/ and dynamically built regular expressions like new RegExp("regex").

    Checking dynamically built regular expressions has many limitations, edge cases, and complexities. In addition, other rules that lint regular expressions don’t check dynamically built regular expressions.

    Rather than add support for other rules and have half-baked checking, we decided to remove support for dynamically built regular expressions.

    Now the lint rules noControlCharactersInRegex and noMisleadingCharacterClass only check literals of regular expressions.

  • #4899 c047886 Thanks @Conaclos! - Removed include and ignore fields in favor of the new field includes.

    The Biome configuration file allows users to specify which files should be processed using glob patterns. Prior to Biome 2.0, this was done using the include and ignore fields. In Biome 2.0, include and ignore are removed and replaced by includes. You can run biome migrate to convert include and ignore into includes automatically.

    includes uses a different glob pattern format that fixes many issues and many other limitations that Biome users reported.

    includes accepts an array of glob patterns. A glob pattern starting with a ! is a negated pattern also called exception. This replaces ignore patterns and allows users to create chains of include and ignore patterns. Thus, it is now possible to include again a file previously ignored. This was not possible with include and ignore, because ignore has priority over include.

    The semantics of * and **/* have changed too. Before, with include and ignore, the glob * was interpreted as **/*. Now, with includes, the globs * and **/* are interpreted differently. The first pattern matches all files that are inside a folder. The second pattern recursively matches all files and sub-folders inside a folder.

    Let’s take an example. Given the following file hierarchy of a project…

    ├── biome.json
    ├── src
    │ ├── file.js
    │ ├── file.ts
    │ ├── out.gen.js
    │ ├── file.test.js
    │ └── test
    │ └── special.test.js
    └── test ...

    …we want:

    1. Ignore all files ending with .test.js, except special.test.ts.
    2. Ignore all files of the test directory. The test directory is located at the root of the project.
    3. Execute the linter on files in the src directory, that don’t end with .gen.js. The src directory is located at the root of the project.
    4. Enable the noDefaultExport lint rule on files ending with .ts.

    Prior to Biome 2.0, the configuration might look like:

    "files": {
    "ignore": ["*.test.js", "test"]
    "linter": {
    "include": ["src/**"],
    "ignore": ["*.gen.js"],
    "enabled": true
    "overrides": [
    "include": ["*.ts"],
    "linter": { "rules": { "style": { "noDefaultExport": "on" } } }

    Unfortunately, the configuration doesn’t quite fit what we want:

    1. There is no way to ignore files and unignore one of them. Thus, we ignore all files ending with .test.js, including special.test.ts.
    2. The configuration ignores all directories named test, including src/test.
    3. The linter is executed on all files of all directories named src

    All these issues and limitations are fixed with includes. Here the migrated configuration:

    "files": {
    "includes": ["**", "!**/*.test.js", "**/special.test.ts", "!test"]
    "linter": {
    "includes": ["src/**", "!**/*.gen.js"],
    "enabled": true
    "overrides": [
    "includes": ["**/*.ts"],
    "linter": { "rules": { "style": { "noDefaultExport": "on" } } }
    1. All files named special.test.ts are unignored because the pattern appear after the pattern that ignore files ending with .test.js.
    2. Only the test directory at the project’s root is ignored because the pattern doesn’t start with **/.
    3. The linter is executed on the src directory at the project’s root only.

    Because includes pattern have a different pattern format than include and ignore we made some adjustments:

    • We added the pattern ** in files.includes to ensure that all files are included before ignoring some of them.
    • We added the prefix **/ for patterns that must match at any level of the file hierarchy.
  • #5414 e7b712e Thanks @Conaclos! - noUndeclaredVariables no longer reports TypeScript types.

    In TypeScript projects, developers often use global declaration files to declare global types. Biome is currently unable to detect these global types. This creates many false positives for noUndeclaredVariables.

    TypeScript is better suited to perform this kind of check. As proof of this, TypeScript ESLint doesn’t provide any rule that extends the no-undef ESLint rule.

    This is why Biome 1.9 introduced a new option checkTypes which, when it is set to false, ignores undeclared type references. The option was set to true by default.

    This option is now set to false by default. To get the previous behavior, you have to set checkTypes to true:

    "linter": {
    "rules": {
    "correctness": {
    "noUndeclaredVariables": {
    "level": "on",
    "options": { "checkTypes": true }
  • #4803 f86999d Thanks @ematipico! - The Biome formatter no longer adds a trailing comma in .json files, even when json.formatter.trailingCommas is set to true.

  • #5228 344a131 Thanks @Conaclos! - Prettier 3.4 introduced a change in their normalization process of string literals: it no longer unescapes useless escape sequences. Biome now matches the new behavior of Prettier when formatting code. This affects the JSON and JavaScript formatters.

  • #4760 72ef826 Thanks @ematipico! - Reduced accepted values for formatter options:

    • The option --quote-style doesn’t accept Single and Double anymore.
    • The option --quote-properties doesn’t accept AsNeeded and Preserve anymore.
    • The option --semicolons doesn’t accept AsNeeded and Always anymore.
    • The option --arrow-parenthesis doesn’t accept AsNeeded and Always anymore.
    • The option --trailing-commas doesn’t accept ES5, All and None anymore.
    • The option --attribute-position doesn’t accept Single and Multiline anymore.
  • #5178 882aca8 Thanks @Conaclos! - Removed the option enumMemberCase from the lint rule useNamingConvention.

    enumMemberCase is an option that allows to customize the enforced case for TypeScript’s enum members. The option was introduced prior to the conventions option that allows to do the same thing.

    The following configuration…

    "linter": {
    "rules": {
    "style": {
    "useNamingConvention": {
    "level": "on",
    "options": {
    "enumMemberCase": "PascalCase"

    …must be rewritten as:

    "linter": {
    "rules": {
    "style": {
    "useNamingConvention": {
    "level": "on",
    "options": {
    "conventions": [
    "selector": { "kind": "enumMember" },
    "formats": ["PascalCase"]

    Run biome migrate --write to turn enumMemberCase into conventions automatically.

  • #4760 17ff3f6 Thanks @ematipico! - Removed support for BIOME_LOG_DIR.

    The environment variable BIOME_LOG_DIR isn’t supported anymore.

    Use BIOME_LOG_PATH instead.

  • #4766 1907096 Thanks @ematipico! - Remove deprecated rules.

    The following deprecated rules have been deleted:

    • noInvalidNewBuiltin
    • noNewSymbol
    • useShorthandArrayType
    • useSingleCaseStatement
    • noConsoleLog

    Run the command biome migrate --write to update the configuration.

  • #4760 1be9494 Thanks @ematipico! - Removed the deprecated indentSize option.

    The deprecated option indentSize, and its relative CLI options, has been removed:

    • Configuration file: formatter.indentSize
    • Configuration file: javascript.formatter.indentSize
    • Configuration file: json.formatter.indentSize
    • CLI option --indent-size
    • CLI option --javascript-formatter-indent-size
    • CLI option --json-formatter-indent-size

    Use indentWidth and its relative CLI options instead.

  • #4853 dac3882 Thanks @SuperchupuDev! - Removed ROME_BINARY. Use BIOME_BINARY instead.

  • #4760 0680ba5 Thanks @ematipico! - Removed support for legacy suppressions.

    Biome used to support “legacy suppressions” that looked like this:

    // biome-ignore lint(complexity/useWhile): reason

    This format is no longer supported.

  • #4894 d43aa7e Thanks @ematipico! - Removed support for max_line_length from .editorconfig, as it isn’t part of the official spec anymore.

  • #4760 36b4b1c Thanks @ematipico! - Removed support for rome-ignore suppression comments.

    Use biome-ignore suppression comments instead.

  • #4760 36b4b1c Thanks @ematipico! - Removed support for rome.json.

    Use biome.json or biome.jsonc instead.

  • #4664 55acffe Thanks @ematipico! - Removed the option all from the linter.

    The options linter.rules.all and linter.rules.<group>.all has been removed.

    The number of rules in Biome have increased in scope and use cases, and sometimes some of them can conflict with each other.

    The option was useful at the beginning, but now it’s deemed harmful, because it can unexpected behaviours in users projects.

    To automatically remove it, run the following command:

    Terminal window
    biome migrate --write
  • #4760 1accca5 Thanks @ematipico! - Removed the option trailingComma from the configuration and the CLI. Use the option trailingCommas instead:

    "javascript": {
    "formatter": {
    "trailingComma": "es5"
    "trailingCommas": "es5"
    biome format --trailing-comma=es5
    biome format --trailing-commas=es5
  • #4760 0425b90 Thanks @ematipico! - Removed --apply and --apply-unsafe.

    The CLI options --apply and --apply-unasfe aren’t accepted anymore. Use --write and --write --unafe instead:

    biome check --apply-unsafe
    biome check --write --unsafe
    biome check --apply
    biome check --write
  • #4760 6a8ad85 Thanks @ematipico! - Removed support for assert syntax.

    Biome now longer supports the assert syntax, use the new with syntax instead

    import {test} from "foo.json" assert { for: "for" }
    export * from "mod" assert { type: "json" }
    import {test} from "foo.json" with { for: "for" }
    export * from "mod" with { type: "json" }
  • #5388 2e835e1 Thanks @arendjr! - The rule useImportRestrictions has been renamed to noPrivateImports, and its functionality has been significantly upgraded.

    Previously, the rule would assume that any direct imports from modules inside other directories should be forbidden due to their package private visibility.

    The updated rule allows configuring the default visibility of exports, and recognises JSDoc comments to override this visibility. The default visibility is now **public**, but can be set to **package**, or even **private**. Refer to the documentation of the rule to understand how to leverage the JSDoc comments.

    noPrivateImports is now recommended by default.

  • #5193 14ad3f5 Thanks @arendjr! - The Biome daemon now reuses its workspace across connections. This allows multiple clients to reuse the same documents and other cached data that we extract from them.

    This primarily affects our IDE extensions: If you open multiple IDEs/windows for the same project, they’ll connect to the same daemon and reuse each other’s workspace.

    The Biome CLI is unaffected unless you opt in with the --use-server argument.

  • #4760 3936022 Thanks @ematipico! - Biome no longer treats too large files as errors.

    Previously, files that exceed the configured size limit would throw an error, and the CLI would exit with an error code.

    Now, the CLI ignores the file, emits an information diagnostic and doesn’t exit with an error code.

  • #5127 baf0927 Thanks @fireairforce! - Enable .editorconfig by default, default value of formatter.useEditorconfig set to true.

    It will follow the following rules:

    • Formatting settings in biome.json always take precedence over .editorconfig files.
    • .editorconfig files that exist higher up in the hierarchy than a biome.json file are already ignored. This is to avoid loading formatting settings from someone’s home directory into a project with a biome.json file.
    • Nested .editorconfig files aren’t supported.
  • #5133 84e0407 Thanks @ematipico! - Reworked some recommended rules recommended to be less pedantic and blocking. This is a **breaking change ** if your project relied on those rules to block the CI in case of violations; if that’s the case, you should raise their severity level to error.

    Some rules aren’t recommended anymore, and some others return a different severity.

    The following rules return a warning diagnostic:

    • noDelete
    • noForEach
    • noSuspiciousSemicolonInJsx
    • noThisInStatic
    • noUnusedLabels

    The following rules return an information diagnostic:

    • noUselessCatch
    • noUselessConstructor
    • noUselessEmptyExport
    • noUselessFragments
    • noUselessLabel
    • noUselessLoneBlockStatements
    • noUselessSwitchCase
    • noUselessTernary
    • noUselessThisAlias
    • noUselessTypeConstraint
    • noFlatMapIdentity

    The following rules aren’t recommended anymore:

    • noDelete
    • noForEach

    The rule noRenderReturnValue and useExhaustiveDependencies are only recommended when the react domain is enabled.

  • #4730 a478377 Thanks @ematipico! - The style rules aren’t recommended anymore.

    Linting rules that belong to the group style aren’t recommended anymore. Here’s the list of rules that aren’t recommended anymore:

    • useNumberNamespace
    • noNonnullAssertion
    • useAsConstAssertion
    • noParameterAssign
    • noInferrableTypes
    • useNodejsImportProtocol
    • useExportType
    • useDefaultParameterLast
    • noUnusedTemplateLiteral
    • useExponentiationOperator
    • useEnumInitializers
    • useShorthandFunctionType
    • useLiteralEnumMembers
    • noVar
    • noUselessElse
    • useNumericLiterals
    • noCommaOperator
    • useConst
    • noArguments
    • useSelfClosingElements
    • useImportType
    • useTemplate
    • useSingleVarDeclarator
    • useWhile

    Use biome migrate to enable these rules, to avoid breaking changes.

  • #4760 0680ba5 Thanks @ematipico! - Remove the code action quickfix.suppressRule.

    The code action quickfix.suppressRule was removed in favour of two new code actions:

    • quickfix.suppressRule.inline.biome: a code action that adds a suppression comment for each violation.

    quickfix.suppressRule.topLevel.biome: a code action that adds a suppression comment at the top of the file which suppresses a rule for the whole file.

    Given the following code

    let foo = "one";

    The code action quickfix.suppressRule.inline.biome will result in the following code:

    // biome-ignore lint/style/useConst: <explanation>
    let foo = "one";
    // biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noDebugger: <explanation>

    The code action quickfix.suppressRule.topLevel.biome, instead, will result in the following code:

    /** biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noDebugger: <explanation> */
    /** biome-ignore lint/style/useConst: <explanation> */
    let foo = "one";
  • #4819 78c8910 Thanks @ematipico! - Changed default formatting of package.json.

    When Biome encounters a file called package.json, by default it will format the file with all objects and arrays expanded.

    { "name": "project", "dependencies": { "foo": "latest" } }
    "projectName": "project",
    "dependencies": {
    "foo": "^1.0.0"
  • #4788 93d1e23 Thanks @ematipico! - The organizeImports is now part of Biome Assist.

  • #4759 9568041 Thanks @ematipico! - The rule noVar now belongs to the suspicious group

  • #4777 4f4cafb Thanks @ematipico! - The rule useWhile now belongs to the complexity group.

  • #5332 08de81d Thanks @arendjr! - The rule useImportExtensions has been updated to suggest actual file extensions instead of guesses based on hueristics.

    As part of this, the suggestedExtensions option has been removed. A simpler, new option called forceJsExtensions has been introduced for those who use tsc’s "module": "node16" setting.

    The rule also no longer reports diagnostics to add an extension when the path doesn’t exist at all, with or without extension.

  • #4935 112d43e Thanks @fireairforce! - The rule useAltText no longer checks the element’s attributes containing object spread.

    The following code doesn’t trigger the rule anymore:

    <img src="test.png" alt={alt} {...restProps}></img>
  • #4945 069cbb4 Thanks @Conaclos! - The rule useNamingConvention no longer accepts non-ASCII characters by default.

    Prior to Biome 2.0, non-ASCII names were accepted by default. They are now rejected.

    For example, the following code is now reported as invalid by the useNamingConvention rule.

    let johnCafé;

    If you want to allow non ASCII filenames and non-ASCII identifiers, you need to set the requireAscii options in your Biome configuration file to false:

    "linter": {
    "rules": {
    "style": {
    "useFilenamingConvention": {
    "level": "on",
    "options": {
    "requireAscii": false
    "useFilenamingConvention": {
    "level": "on",
    "options": {
    "requireAscii": false
  • #5403 adaa65c Thanks @ematipico! - Renamed the rule noUnnecessaryContinue to noUselessContinue. Run the command biome migrate to update your configuration.

  • #5351 07775c7 Thanks @ematipico! - Renamed the rule noMultipleSpacesInRegularExpressionLiterals to noAdjacentSpacesInRegex.

    Use biome migrate --write to update the configuration.

  • #4718 21ef4aa Thanks @ematipico! - Added new option javascript.parser.jsxEverywhere. This new option allows to control whether Biome should expect JSX syntax in .js/ .mjs/.cjs files.

    When jsxEverywhere is set to false, having JSX syntax like <div></div> inside .js/.mjs/ .cjs files will result in a parsing error.

    Despite the name of the option, JSX is never supported inside .ts files. This is because TypeScript generics syntax may conflict with JSX in such files.

    This option defaults to true.

  • #5079 0cfcaec Thanks @r1tsuu! - Add a new JS assist rule - useSortedKeys which enforces ordering of a JS object properties. This rule will consider spread/calculated keys e.g [k]: 1 as non-sortable. Instead, whenever it encounters a non-sortable key, it will sort all the previous sortable keys up until the nearest non-sortable key, if one exist. This prevents breaking the override of certain keys using spread keys.


    // Base
    // from
    const obj = {
    b: 1,
    a: 1,
    ba: 2,
    ab: 1,
    set aab(v) {
    this._aab = v;
    [getProp()]: 2,
    aba: 2,
    abc: 3,
    abb: 3,
    get aaa() {
    return "";
    // to
    const obj = {
    a: 1,
    b: 1,
    set aab(v) {
    this._aab = v;
    ab: 1,
    ba: 2,
    [getProp()]: 2,
    get aaa() {
    return "";
    aba: 2,
    abb: 3,
    abc: 3,
  • #4911 d400d69 Thanks @kaykdm! - Added the new rule noFloatingPromises.

  • #4948 b8c57d2 Thanks @arendjr! - Added the new rule noImportCycles.

  • #4650 c1b2e7b Thanks @ematipico! - Added the new rule noTsIgnore.

  • #4731 5c3e3e1 Thanks @unvalley! - Added the new rule noUnwantedPolyfillio.

  • #4819 78c8910 Thanks @ematipico! - Added a format option expand for Javascript and JSON formatters. The option allows to enforce the formatting of arrays and objects on multiple lines, regardless of their length. It has three options:

    When set to auto (default), objects are expanded if the first property has a leading newline. Arrays are collapsed when they fit to a single line. For example, both styles below are considered as already formatted:

    const obj = {
    foo: "bar",
    const obj = { foo: "bar" };

    When set to always, objects and arrays are always expanded.

    When set to never, objects and arrays are never expanded when they fit in a single line. It is equivalent to Prettier’s Object Wrap option with collapse.

  • #4867 94bf15e Thanks @ematipico! - Linter groups now accept new options to enable/disable all rules that belong to a group, and control the severity of the rules that belong to those groups.

    For example, you can downgrade the severity of rules that belong to "style" to emit "info" diagnostics:

    "linter": {
    "rules": {
    "style": "info"

    You can also enable all rules that belong to a group using the default severity of the rule using the "on" option:

    "linter": {
    "rules": {
    "complexity": "on"
  • #4760 f281e8a Thanks @ematipico! - Biome assist is a new feature of the Biome analyzer. The assist is meant to provide actions. Actions differ from linter rules in that they aren’t meant to signal errors.

    The assist will provide code actions that users can opt into via configuration or via IDEs/editors, using the Language Server Protocol.

    The assist is enabled by default. However, you can turn if off via configuration:

    "assist": {
    "enabled": false

    You can turn on the actions that you want to use in your configuration. For example, you can enable the useSortedKeys action like this:

    "assist": {
    "actions": {
    "source": {
    "useSortedKeys": "on"

    Alternatively, IDE/editor users can decide which action to apply on save directly from the editor settings, as long as the assist is enabled.

    For example, in VS Code you can apply the useSortedKeys action when saving a file by adding the following snippet in settings.json:

    "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
    "source.biome.useSortedKeys": "explicit"

    In Zed, you can achieve the same by adding the following snippet in ~/.config/zed/settings.json:

    "code_actions_on_format": {
    "source.biome.useSortedKeys": true
  • #4760 59f7e10 Thanks @ematipico! - Biome migrate eslint outputs a better overriding behavior.

    A Biome rule can have multiple ESLint equivalent rules. For example, useLiteralKeys has two ESLint equivalent rules: dot-notation and @typescript-eslint/dot-notation.

    Previously, Biome wouldn’t always enable a Biome rule even if one of its equivalent rules was enabled. Now Biome uses the higher severity level of all the equivalent ESLint rules to set the severity level of the Biome rule.

    The following ESLint configuration…

    "rules": {
    "@typescript-eslint/dot-notation": "error",
    "dot-notation": "off"

    …is now migrated to…

    "linter": {
    "rules": {
    "complexity": {
    "useLiteralKeys": "error"

    …because error is higher than off.

  • #5232 da7b99e Thanks @minht11! - Add useSymbolDescription.

  • #5076 279311a Thanks @siketyan! - Add a new lint rule noConstantBinaryExpression. This rule is inspired from ESLint’s no-constant-binary-expression rule.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #3574: noUnusedImports now reports empty named imports and suggests their removal.

    The rule now suggests the removal of empty named imports such as:

    import {} from "mod";
  • #4760 f281e8a Thanks @ematipico! - Biome users can now configure code actions from linter rules as well as assist actions directly in the settings of their IDE/editor.

    For example, let’s consider the lint rule noSwitchDeclarations, which has an unsafe fix. Previously, if you wanted to use this rule, you were “forced” to enable it via configuration, and if you wanted to apply its fix when you saved a file, you were forced to mark the fix as safe:

    "linter": {
    "rules": {
    "correctness": {
    "noSwitchDeclarations": {
    "level": "error",
    "fix": "safe"

    Now, you can benefit from the code action without making the fix safe for the entire project. IDEs and editors that are LSP compatible allow to list a series of “filters” or code actions that can be applied on save. In the case of VS Code, you will need to add the following snippet in the settings.json:

    "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
    "quickfix.biome.correctness.noSwitchDeclarations": "explicit"

    Upon save, Biome will inform the editor the apply the code action of the rule noSwitchDeclarations.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #3401: noUnusedImports now keeps comments separated from the import with a blank line.

    For example:

    // Orphan comment
    // Header comment
    import {} from "mod";
  • #5083 7aa79e7 Thanks @siketyan! - The formatter option bracketSpacing is now also supported in JSON files.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - useValidTypeof now accepts comparisons with variables.

    Previously, the rule required to compare a typeof expression against another typeof expression or a valid string literal. We now accept more cases, notably comparison against a variable:

    if (typeof foo === bar) {
    // ...
  • #4983 7e938f3 Thanks @ematipico! - Added the new rule noDestructuredProps, which disallow the use of destructured props in Solid projects.

  • #4730 a478377 Thanks @ematipico! - You can now enable lint rules using the default severity suggested by Biome using the new variant "on", when enabling a rule.

    For example, the default severity of the rule style.noVar is error, so you would use "on", and then linting a code that uses var, will result in an error:

    "linter": {
    "recommended": false,
    "rules": {
    "style": {
    "noVar": "on"
    var name = "tobias";

    The command biome lint main.js will result in an error due to the default severity assigned to noVar.

    Refer to the documentation page of each rule to know their suggested diagnostic severity, or use the command biome explain <RULE_NAME>:

    Terminal window
    biome explain noVar
  • #5195 d69a664 Thanks @ematipico! - Biome VCS integration now supports nested ignore files.

    For git, if a .gitignore is found in a nested folder root/packages/foo/, and it contains the pattern dist/, only files and directories inside root/packages/foo/dist are matched.

  • #5042 d640aaf Thanks @dy0gu! - Added the new JavaScript rule useConsistentObjectDefinition rule. The rule enforces a consistent style for the definition of objects:

    By default, the rule enforces a shorthand style:

    const validShorthand = {
    // Property shorthand
    // Method shorthand
    method() {
    return "method";

    Alternatively, the rule can be configured to enforce an explicit style:

    const invalidExplicit = {
    // Basic property shorthand violations
    foo: foo,
    // Method shorthand violations
    method: function () {
    return "method";
  • #5230 7c1e505 Thanks @tim-we! - Added options to suspicious/noConfusingLabels to allow specific labels.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #4549: noUnknownProperty now accepts more known CSS properties.

    ['anchor-default', 'anchor-scroll', 'inset-area', 'position-animation', 'position-fallback', 'position-fallback-bounds', 'position-try-options']
    ['anchor-scope', 'interpolate-size', 'line-fit-edge', 'masonry', 'masonry-auto-tracks', 'masonry-direction', 'masonry-fill', 'masonry-flow', 'masonry-slack', 'masonry-template-areas', 'masonry-template-tracks', 'position-anchor', 'position-area', 'position-try-fallbacks', 'position-visibility', 'scroll-start-target', 'text-box', 'view-transition-class', 'view-transition-group']

    This change replaces deprecated properties, improving CSS validation.

  • #5093 766492f Thanks @siketyan! - LSP clients can now override the configuration path for each workspace, by responding to workspace/configuration requests.

  • #4796 e7dd706 Thanks @MaxtuneLee! - Biome now emits a warning diagnostic if the configuration contains an out-of-sync schema URL.

  • #5132 3065eb4 Thanks @siketyan! - The CLI flag --javascript-attribute-position was renamed to --javascript-formatter-attribute-position for consistency.

  • #4713 0a9d85a Thanks @ematipico! - Introduced the domains linter feature. The Biome linter now has a new way to opt-in rules, with a concept called domains.

    Domains can be seen as concepts shared by different rules.

    You can enable and disable multiple rules that belong to a domain. When you assign "all", Biome will enable all the rules, when you assign "none", Biome will disable the rules, when you assign “recommended”, Biome will enable all rules of the domain that are recommended.

    linter: {
    domains: {
    test: "all", // all rules that belong to this domain are enabled
    react: "recommended", // only the recommended rules from this domain are enabled
    solid: "none", // rules related to Solid are disabled

    New domains introduced:

    • test: it will enable rules:
      • noExportsInTest
      • noExcessiveNestedTestSuites
      • noDuplicateTestHooks
      • noFocusedTests And it will inject the following globals:
      • after
      • afterAll
      • afterEach
      • before
      • beforeEach
      • beforeAll
      • describe
      • it
      • expect
      • test
    • next: it will enable rules for Next.js projects:
      • useExhaustiveDependencies
      • useHookAtTopLevel
      • noImgElement
      • noHeadImportInDocument
      • noHeadImportInDocument
    • react: it will enable rules for React projects:
      • useExhaustiveDependencies
      • useHookAtTopLevel
    • solid: it will enable rules for Solid projects:
      • noReactSpecificProps

    For more information regarding how Biome enables rules via domains, please refer to the documentation page of each rule.

  • #5274 77f2382 Thanks @huangtiandi1999! - Added new rule noBitwiseOperators, which disallows bitwise operators.

  • #4760 0680ba5 Thanks @ematipico! - The Biome analyzer now supports a new top-level suppression. These suppression have to be placed at the top of the file, and they must be followed by two newlines ( \n\n\).

    The analyzer rules specified inside the block comment will be suppressed for the whole file.

    In the example, we suppress the rules lint/style/useConst and lint/suspicious/noDebugger for the whole file:

    * biome-ignore-all lint/style/useConst: i like let
    * biome-ignore-all lint/suspicious/noDebugger: needed now
    let path = "/path";
    let _tmp = undefined;

    In this other example, we suppress lint/suspicious/noEmptyBlock for a whole CSS file:

    /* biome-ignore-all lint/suspicious/noEmptyBlock: it's fine to have empty blocks
    a {
    span {

    A new diagnostic is emitted if biome-ignore-all suppression isn’t placed at the top of the file:

    file.js:3:1 suppressions/incorrect ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
    ! Top level suppressions can only be used at the beginning of the file.
    2 │ let foo = 2;
    > 3 │ /**
    │ ^^^
    > 4 │ * biome-ignore-all lint/style/useConst: reason
    > 5 │ */
    │ ^^
    6 │ let bar = 33;
    i Rename this to biome-ignore
    2 │ let foo = 2;
    3 │ /**
    > 4 │ * biome-ignore-all lint/style/useConst: reason
    │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    5 │ */
    6 │ let bar = 33;
  • #5337 bab955b Thanks @ematipico! - Added the new CLI option called --threads to the ci command. It allows to control the numbers of threads that can be used when using the Biome CLI.

    It’s possible to use the environment variable BIOME_THREADS as an alternatives.

    This feature is useful when running the CLI in environments that have limited resources, for example CI/CD.

    Terminal window
    biome ci --threads=1
    BIOME_THREADS=1 biome ci
  • #5121 98b43e6 Thanks @anthonyshew! - Added an option to the lint command called --suppress. The new option suppresses a violation instead of applying a rule fix. The option accepts a string that is used as reason of the suppression comment.

    When running the following command, it will add the suppression comment:

    Terminal window
    biome lint --write --suppress="Migration to Biome"
    foo == bar;
    // biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noDebugger: Migration to Biome
    // biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noDoubleEquals: Migration to Biome
    foo == bar;
  • #5157 31b6870 Thanks @iamakulov! - Add an ignoreRestSiblings option into noUnusedVariables.

    When this option is set to true, the rule will ignore variables that created using the rest pattern:

    "linter": {
    "rules": {
    "correctness": {
    "noUnusedVariables": {
    "level": "error",
    "options": {
    "ignoreRestSiblings": true
    const { lorem, ...test } = bar; // the variable "test" won't trigger the rule
  • #5326 45d67f3 Thanks @siketyan! - Added an unsafe fix to the rule useExhaustiveDependencies.

    For example, this violation will provide the following code fix:

    import { useEffect } from "react";
    function MyComponent() {
    let a = 1;
    useEffect(() => {}, [a]);
    × This hook specifies more dependencies than necessary: a
    3 │ function MyComponent() {
    4 │ let a = 1;
    > 5 │ useEffect(() => {}, [a]);
    │ ^^^^^^^^^
    6 │ }
    7 │
    i This dependency can be removed from the list.
    3 │ function MyComponent() {
    4 │ let a = 1;
    > 5 │ useEffect(() => {}, [a]);
    │ ^
    6 │ }
    7 │
    i Unsafe fix: Remove the extra dependencies from the list.
    5 │ ··useEffect(()·=>·{},·[a]);
    │ -
  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #4416: The rules useExportType and useImportType now ignore TypeScript declaration files.

  • #5203 d95df40 Thanks @fireairforce! - Added the new rule useForComponent.

    This rule enforces usage of Solid’s <For /> component for mapping an array to JSX elements.

  • #4760 d469189 Thanks @ematipico! - The package now requires v2 of the WebAssembly packages. The internal APIs of Workspace are now camelCase.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - The rule useArrayLiterals now provides a code fix.

    const xs = new Array();
    const xs = [];

    The code fix is currently marked as unsafe. We plan to make it safe in a future release of Biome.

  • #5129 95a5407 Thanks @unvalley! - Added the new lint rule noAwaitInLoop.

  • #5014 028af9c Thanks @vohoanglong0107! - Fix #5001, where the CSS formatter removes whitespace from selector preceded by a comment

  • #4949 7b91d19 Thanks @ematipico! - Biome logs a warning in case a folder contains biome.json and biome.jsonc, and it will use biome.json by default.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - noUndeclaredVariables is now able to bind read of value to a type-only import in ambient contexts (#4526).

    In the following code, A is now correctly bound to the type-only import. Previously, A was reported as an undeclared variable.

    import type { A } from "mod";
    declare class B extends A {}
  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fix #4317, setter parameter can contain a trailing comma, the following example will now parsed correctly:

    export class DummyClass {
    set input(value: string) {}
  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fix #4575, don’t wrap selector indentation after css comments.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fix #4258, where fixed css parse error with @-moz-document url-prefix().

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #4391: Some files from the .vscode directory are no longer incorrectly parsed as JSON.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - biome migrate eslint now correctly resolves the scoped package named eslint-config.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #3836: The CSS parser will now correctly parse the following:

    .foo {
    color: red;
  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #4553: noUselessFragments will now correctly fix JSX attributes:



    <Suspense fallback={<span>Loading...</span>}>{children}</Suspense>
  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #4528: biome migrate eslint now correctly handles shared ESLint configuration that don’t follow the ESLint naming convention.

    ESLint recommends that a package that exports a shared configuration be prefixed with eslint-config- or simply named eslint-config. This is only a recommendation. Packages that export shared configurations can have arbitrary names. Biome is now able to load any package.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #4756: noDuplicateProperties now throws lint errors properly when we use @supports.

  • #5174 5f7dc3f Thanks @siketyan! - Fixed #2406: Biome longer expands properties of object type annotations in the only function parameter to align with Prettier.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #4740: biome migrate eslint now correctly handles ESLint configuration with null values in file lists.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #4202: Align with Prettier in formatting test functions.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #342: The JavaScript parser now properly handles unterminated string literals, such as:

    function Comp() {
    return (
    <a rel="
  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed a CSS parser error: @-moz-document url-prefix( and @-moz-document domain( are now valid.

  • #5170 890d31b Thanks @siketyan! - Fixed #4967: The fix for useArrowFunction no longer breaks function bodies starting with {.

  • #5043 3868597 Thanks @Jayllyz! - Fixed #5024: Added useJsxKeyInIterable rule to React domain.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - noUnusedVariables no longer reports top-level variables in a global declaration file as unused.

  • #4903 2a80687 Thanks @fireairforce! - Type exports now support renaming types to default.

    The following code is now parsed successfully:

    export { type A as default } from "./b.ts";
  • #5348 17f61d2 Thanks @ematipico! - Added proper support for arrow functions in the lint rule

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - The rule useNamingConvention no longer suggests renaming top-level variables in a global declaration file.

  • #5298 68d1aa3 Thanks @Pascalmh! - Allowed single spaces in useConsistentCurlyBraces rule.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #4413: The GraphQL formatter no longer adds a new line at the start of block comments on Windows.

  • #4964 e750523 Thanks @siketyan! - Fixed #1597: useExhaustiveDependencies no longer gets confused about the stability of dependencies by parentheses or type assertions.

  • #5338 82464aa Thanks @arendjr! - Fixed #4751 by checking fragments inside JSXElement and conditional expressions.

    For example, the following two cases will now be reported:

    <div />
    <div />
    showFullName ? <>{fullName}</> : <>{firstName}</>;
  • #4863 846e4a4 Thanks @arendjr! - The rule noFallthroughSwitchCase no longer panics on some incomplete code snippets.

  • #5008 99f27a2 Thanks @bushuai! - Fixed #5007: Resolved false positives in noMissingVarFunction for container-name.

  • #4901 ba26e90 Thanks @bushuai! - Fixed #4841: Shebang and top leading comments in .cjs files are now handled correctly

    Example: shebang only (keep it as is)

    #!/usr/bin/env node

    Example: comments only (keep it as is)

    // comment

    Example: with shebang

    #!/usr/bin/env node"use strict";
    #!/usr/bin/env node
    "use strict";
    let some_variable = "some value";

    Example: with comment

    // comment
    "use strict"; // comment
    "use strict";
    // comment
    let some_variable = "some value";

    Example: with shebang and comment

    #!/usr/bin/env node"use strict";
    // comment
    #!/usr/bin/env node
    "use strict";
    // comment
    let some_variable = "some value";
  • #4714 e3ec2e2 Thanks @fireairforce! - Fixed #4714: Suppression comments no longer fail on functions that themselves contain suppression comments.

    This now works correctly:

    // biome-ignore lint/complexity/useArrowFunction: this suppression now works
    const foo0 = function (bar: string) {
    // biome-ignore lint/style/noParameterAssign: even if there are other suppressions inside
    bar = "baz";
  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - noMisleadingCharacterClass no longer panics on malformed escape sequences that end with a multi-byte character (#4587).

  • #5130 0cbbbe6 Thanks @siketyan! - Fixed the flag --bracket-spacing that was duplicated between the global configuration and the language-specific override for JavaScript.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #4121: The CSS formatter no longer indents a selector when it has leading comments.

  • #5099 9280cba Thanks @fireairforce! - Fixed #4982: the JavaScript parser now throws a syntax error for the following code:

    type T = import;
    type U = typeof import;
  • #5198 b0046bf Thanks @arendjr! - Fixed #4622: Our JavaScript parser can now gracefully handle situations where we detect the parser to have stalled.

    This means we don’t fail with an assertion anymore, but invalid code can trigger a regular diagnostic in such cases.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #342: The JavaScript parser now correctly handles invalid object member names, such as:

    params: { [paramName: string]: number } = {}
  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #4334: The formatter no longer inserts trailing a comma inside dynamic import expressions.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #3895: noUnusedImports no longer reports used values imported as types in an external module.

  • #5052 1099147 Thanks @ah-yu! - Fixed #5031: CSS formatting has been improved for numbers:

    .class {
    padding: .5em;
    marding: 1.0;
    padding: 0.5em;
    marding: 1;
  • #5066 56527db Thanks @ematipico! - Fix #5053, now the rule correctly handles console.log inside arrow function expressions.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #3229: Made formatting of compound selectors more consistent.

  • #4998 f0e6521 Thanks @mehm8128! - The fix for useSelfClosingElements was marked as safe and the error message was improved.

  • #5177 5b212f5 Thanks @Conaclos! - The lint rules useNamingConvention and useFilenamingConvention now accept character escapes at the start of a regex group.

    Both these rules provide options that allow matching names against a regular expression. Previously, an escaped character at the start of a regex group reported an error. They are now accepted.

    For example, the following configuration is now valid doesn’t emit an error anymore.

    "linter": {
    "rules": {
    "style": {
    "useNamingConvention": {
    "level": "on",
    "options": {
    "conventions": [
    "selector": {
    "kind": "let"
    "match": "(\\n.*)"
  • #5023 4d0a797 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #4875: Relative file paths are now clickable in the Jetbrains IDE terminal.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #4719: bracketSameLine now performs as expected when a comment is placed before the last JSX attribute.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #4564: Biome no longer panics when a multi-byte character is found in a unicode escape sequence.

  • #5234 4634a8a Thanks @bushuai! - Fixed #4950: Resolved a false positive of character class range operators in regular expressions.

  • #5085 65c5b7a Thanks @siketyan! - Fixed #4947: The useTemplate lint rule now ignores concatenated literals folded to multiple lines.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #4568: Broken import statements no longer can cause a panic in useExhaustiveDependencies.

  • #5268 c72de51 Thanks @ematipico! - When pulling code actions from the LSP, now the first choice suggested by the client will be the safe fix.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #4026: Comments in grid-template are no longer moved by the formatter.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #3394: Resolved a false positive in useSortedClasses.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #342 and #4562: Biome no longer crashes when a declare statement is followed by an unexpected token.

  • #5404 772dcf5 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed false positive in the rule noUnknownFunction where the tech function was incorrectly flagged as an unknown function.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #4511: noLabelWithoutControl now detects <button> tags as input.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Added RegExpStringIterator to the analyzer globals.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #4208: noUselessFragments now handles JsxAttributeInitializerClause, ensuring that fragments inside expressions like <A b=<></> /> are preserved.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #4533: noUnknownPseudoClass no longer reports pseudo classes after a webkit scrollbar pseudo element.

    The following code will no longer report a diagnostic:

    ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover {
  • #5403 adaa65c Thanks @ematipico! - Renamed the rule noDuplicatedFields to noDuplicateFields. This rules belongs to the nursery group, so no migration is provided.

  • #5118 afe2131 Thanks @Th3S4mur41! - Fixed #5116: noUnknownPseudoElement now supports ::slotted.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #4323: Fixed the case where useSemanticElement accidentally showed recommendations for role="searchbox" instead of role="search".

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #4565: noControlCharactersInRegex no longer panics when it encounters an unterminated unicode escape sequence.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - useArrayLiterals now reports all expressions using the Array constructors.

    Previously, the rule reported only use of the Array constructor in expressions statements.

    // This was reported
    new Array();
    // This was not reported
    const xs = new Array();
  • #5396 e9e8267 Thanks @siketyan! - Fixed #5382: useExportType no longer reports an identifier that bound by both a variable and a type.

  • #4771 8d1062f Thanks @dyc3! - tsconfig.*.json files will now be treated the same as tsconfig.json files.

  • #4955 0bf4eaa Thanks @Conaclos! - The rule useNamingConvention now suggests a rename that preserves uppercase if possible.

    For instance, Biome suggested renaming HTMLWrapper as htmlWrapper:

    import HTMLWrapper from "HTMLWrapper.tsx";
    import htmlWrapper from "HTMLWrapper.tsx";
    function component() {
    return <HTMLWrapper> </HTMLWrapper>;
    return <htmlWrapper> </HTMLWrapper>;

    Since both PascalCase and CamelCase are accepted, Biome now suggests renaming HTMLWrapper as HtmlWrapper:

    import HTMLWrapper from "HTMLWrapper.tsx";
    import HtmlWrapper from "HTMLWrapper.tsx";
    function component() {
    return <HTMLWrapper> </HTMLWrapper>;
    return <HtmlWrapper> </HTMLWrapper>;
  • #5067 7243cce Thanks @dyc3! - Fixed Biome being unable to parse insert_final_newline = unset in EditorConfig files.

  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #4530: useArrowFunction now preserves directives.

    Previously the rule removed the directives when a function expression was turned into an arrow function. The rule now correctly keeps the directives.

    const withDirective = function () {
    const withDirective = () => {
    "use server";
    return 0;
  • #5044 bff5068 Thanks @ematipico! - Fixed #4855: useSortedClasses now suggests code fixes that match the JSX quote style of the formatter.