JavaScript Rules
Below the list of rules supported by Biome, divided by group. Here’s a legend of the emojis:
- The icon indicates that the rule is part of the recommended rules.
- The icon indicates that the rule provides a code action (fix) that is safe to apply.
- The icon indicates that the rule provides a code action (fix) that is unsafe to apply.
- The icon 2.0 beta release. indicates that the rule is currently only available in the
Rule name | Description | Properties |
noAccessKey | Enforce that the accessKey attribute is not used on any HTML element. | |
noAriaHiddenOnFocusable | Enforce that aria-hidden=“true” is not set on focusable elements. | |
noAriaUnsupportedElements | Enforce that elements that do not support ARIA roles, states, and properties do not have those attributes. | |
noAutofocus | Enforce that autoFocus prop is not used on elements. | |
noBlankTarget | Disallow target="_blank" attribute without rel="noreferrer" | |
noDistractingElements | Enforces that no distracting elements are used. | |
noHeaderScope | The scope prop should be used only on <th> elements. | |
noInteractiveElementToNoninteractiveRole | Enforce that non-interactive ARIA roles are not assigned to interactive HTML elements. | |
noLabelWithoutControl | Enforce that a label element or component has a text label and an associated input. | |
noNoninteractiveElementToInteractiveRole | Enforce that interactive ARIA roles are not assigned to non-interactive HTML elements. | |
noNoninteractiveTabindex | Enforce that tabIndex is not assigned to non-interactive HTML elements. | |
noPositiveTabindex | Prevent the usage of positive integers on tabIndex property | |
noRedundantAlt | Enforce img alt prop does not contain the word “image”, “picture”, or “photo”. | |
noRedundantRoles | Enforce explicit role property is not the same as implicit/default role property on an element. | |
noSvgWithoutTitle | Enforces the usage of the title element for the svg element. | |
useAltText | Enforce that all elements that require alternative text have meaningful information to relay back to the end user. | |
useAnchorContent | Enforce that anchors have content and that the content is accessible to screen readers. | |
useAriaActivedescendantWithTabindex | Enforce that tabIndex is assigned to non-interactive HTML elements with aria-activedescendant . | |
useAriaPropsForRole | Enforce that elements with ARIA roles must have all required ARIA attributes for that role. | |
useButtonType | Enforces the usage of the attribute type for the element button | |
useFocusableInteractive | Elements with an interactive role and interaction handlers must be focusable. | |
useHeadingContent | Enforce that heading elements (h1, h2, etc.) have content and that the content is accessible to screen readers. Accessible means that it is not hidden using the aria-hidden prop. | |
useHtmlLang | Enforce that html element has lang attribute. | |
useIframeTitle | Enforces the usage of the attribute title for the element iframe . | |
useKeyWithClickEvents | Enforce onClick is accompanied by at least one of the following: onKeyUp , onKeyDown , onKeyPress . | |
useKeyWithMouseEvents | Enforce onMouseOver / onMouseOut are accompanied by onFocus / onBlur . | |
useMediaCaption | Enforces that audio and video elements must have a track for captions. | |
useSemanticElements | It detects the use of role attributes in JSX elements and suggests using semantic elements instead. | |
useValidAnchor | Enforce that all anchors are valid, and they are navigable elements. | |
useValidAriaProps | Ensures that ARIA properties aria-* are all valid. | |
useValidAriaRole | Elements with ARIA roles must use a valid, non-abstract ARIA role. | |
useValidAriaValues | Enforce that ARIA state and property values are valid. | |
useValidLang | Ensure that the attribute passed to the lang attribute is a correct ISO language and/or country. |
Section titled complexityRule name | Description | Properties |
noAdjacentSpacesInRegex | Disallow unclear usage of consecutive space characters in regular expression literals | |
noBannedTypes | Disallow primitive type aliases and misleading types. | |
noEmptyTypeParameters | Disallow empty type parameters in type aliases and interfaces. | |
noExcessiveCognitiveComplexity | Disallow functions that exceed a given Cognitive Complexity score. | |
noExcessiveNestedTestSuites | This rule enforces a maximum depth to nested describe() in test files. | |
noExtraBooleanCast | Disallow unnecessary boolean casts | |
noForEach | Prefer for...of statement instead of Array.forEach . | |
noStaticOnlyClass | This rule reports when a class has no non-static members, such as for a class used exclusively as a static namespace. | |
noThisInStatic | Disallow this and super in static contexts. | |
noUselessCatch | Disallow unnecessary catch clauses. | |
noUselessConstructor | Disallow unnecessary constructors. | |
noUselessEmptyExport | Disallow empty exports that don’t change anything in a module file. | |
noUselessFragments | Disallow unnecessary fragments | |
noUselessLabel | Disallow unnecessary labels. | |
noUselessLoneBlockStatements | Disallow unnecessary nested block statements. | |
noUselessRename | Disallow renaming import, export, and destructured assignments to the same name. | |
noUselessStringConcat | Disallow unnecessary concatenation of string or template literals. | |
noUselessSwitchCase | Disallow useless case in switch statements. | |
noUselessTernary | Disallow ternary operators when simpler alternatives exist. | |
noUselessThisAlias | Disallow useless this aliasing. | |
noUselessTypeConstraint | Disallow using any or unknown as type constraint. | |
noUselessUndefinedInitialization | Disallow initializing variables to undefined . | |
noVoid | Disallow the use of void operators, which is not a familiar operator. | |
noWith | Disallow with statements in non-strict contexts. | |
useArrowFunction | Use arrow functions over function expressions. | |
useDateNow | Use to get the number of milliseconds since the Unix Epoch. | |
useFlatMap | Promotes the use of .flatMap() when map().flat() are used together. | |
useLiteralKeys | Enforce the usage of a literal access to properties over computed property access. | |
useOptionalChain | Enforce using concise optional chain instead of chained logical expressions. | |
useRegexLiterals | Enforce the use of the regular expression literals instead of the RegExp constructor if possible. | |
useSimpleNumberKeys | Disallow number literal object member names which are not base10 or uses underscore as separator | |
useSimplifiedLogicExpression | Discard redundant terms from logical expressions. | |
useWhile | Enforce the use of while loops instead of for loops when the initializer and update expressions are not needed. |
Section titled correctnessRule name | Description | Properties |
noChildrenProp | Prevent passing of children as props. | |
noConstAssign | Prevents from having const variables being re-assigned. | |
noConstantCondition | Disallow constant expressions in conditions | |
noConstantMathMinMaxClamp | Disallow the use of Math.min and Math.max to clamp a value where the result itself is constant. | |
noConstructorReturn | Disallow returning a value from a constructor . | |
noEmptyCharacterClassInRegex | Disallow empty character classes in regular expression literals. | |
noEmptyPattern | Disallows empty destructuring patterns. | |
noFlatMapIdentity | Disallow to use unnecessary callback on flatMap . | |
noGlobalObjectCalls | Disallow calling global object properties as functions | |
noInnerDeclarations | Disallow function and var declarations that are accessible outside their block. | |
noInvalidBuiltinInstantiation | Ensure that builtins are correctly instantiated. | |
noInvalidConstructorSuper | Prevents the incorrect use of super() inside classes. It also checks whether a call super() is missing from classes that extends other constructors. | |
noInvalidNewBuiltin | Disallow new operators with global non-constructor functions. | |
noInvalidUseBeforeDeclaration | Disallow the use of variables and function parameters before their declaration | |
noNewSymbol | Disallow new operators with the Symbol object. | |
noNodejsModules | Forbid the use of Node.js builtin modules. | |
noNonoctalDecimalEscape | Disallow \8 and \9 escape sequences in string literals. | |
noPrecisionLoss | Disallow literal numbers that lose precision | |
noPrivateImports | Restricts imports of private exports. | |
noRenderReturnValue | Prevent the usage of the return value of React.render . | |
noSelfAssign | Disallow assignments where both sides are exactly the same. | |
noSetterReturn | Disallow returning a value from a setter | |
noStringCaseMismatch | Disallow comparison of expressions modifying the string case with non-compliant value. | |
noSwitchDeclarations | Disallow lexical declarations in switch clauses. | |
noUndeclaredDependencies | Disallow the use of dependencies that aren’t specified in the package.json . | |
noUndeclaredVariables | Prevents the usage of variables that haven’t been declared inside the document. | |
noUnreachable | Disallow unreachable code | |
noUnreachableSuper | Ensures the super() constructor is called exactly once on every code path in a class constructor before this is accessed if the class has a superclass | |
noUnsafeFinally | Disallow control flow statements in finally blocks. | |
noUnsafeOptionalChaining | Disallow the use of optional chaining in contexts where the undefined value is not allowed. | |
noUnusedFunctionParameters | Disallow unused function parameters. | |
noUnusedImports | Disallow unused imports. | |
noUnusedLabels | Disallow unused labels. | |
noUnusedPrivateClassMembers | Disallow unused private class members | |
noUnusedVariables | Disallow unused variables. | |
noUselessContinue | Avoid using unnecessary continue . | |
noVoidElementsWithChildren | This rules prevents void elements (AKA self-closing elements) from having children. | |
noVoidTypeReturn | Disallow returning a value from a function with the return type ‘void’ | |
useArrayLiterals | Disallow Array constructors. | |
useExhaustiveDependencies | Enforce all dependencies are correctly specified in a React hook. | |
useHookAtTopLevel | Enforce that all React hooks are being called from the Top Level component functions. | |
useImportExtensions | Enforce file extensions for relative imports. | |
useIsNan | Require calls to isNaN() when checking for NaN . | |
useJsxKeyInIterable | Disallow missing key props in iterators/collection literals. | |
useValidForDirection | Enforce “for” loop update clause moving the counter in the right direction. | |
useYield | Require generator functions to contain yield . |
Section titled nurseryRule name | Description | Properties |
noAwaitInLoop | Disallow await inside loops. | |
noBitwiseOperators | Disallow bitwise operators. | |
noCommonJs | Disallow use of CommonJs module system in favor of ESM style imports. | |
noConstantBinaryExpression | Disallow expressions where the operation doesn’t affect the value | |
noDestructuredProps | Disallow destructuring props inside JSX components in Solid projects. | |
noDocumentCookie | Disallow direct assignments to document.cookie . | |
noDocumentImportInPage | Prevents importing next/document outside of pages/_document.jsx in Next.js projects. | |
noDuplicateElseIf | Disallow duplicate conditions in if-else-if chains | |
noDynamicNamespaceImportAccess | Disallow accessing namespace imports dynamically. | |
noEnum | Disallow TypeScript enum. | |
noExportedImports | Disallow exporting an imported variable. | |
noFloatingPromises | Require Promise-like statements to be handled appropriately. | |
noGlobalDirnameFilename | Disallow the use of __dirname and __filename in the global scope. | |
noHeadElement | Prevent usage of <head> element in a Next.js project. | |
noHeadImportInDocument | Prevent using the next/head module in pages/_document.js on Next.js projects. | |
noImgElement | Prevent usage of <img> element in a Next.js project. | |
noImportCycles | Prevent import cycles. | |
noIrregularWhitespace | Disallows the use of irregular whitespace characters. | |
noNestedTernary | Disallow nested ternary expressions. | |
noNoninteractiveElementInteractions | Disallow use event handlers on non-interactive elements. | |
noOctalEscape | Disallow octal escape sequences in string literals | |
noProcessEnv | Disallow the use of process.env . | |
noProcessGlobal | Disallow the use of process global. | |
noRestrictedImports | Disallow specified modules when loaded by import or require. | |
noRestrictedTypes | Disallow user defined types. | |
noSecrets | Disallow usage of sensitive data such as API keys and tokens. | |
noStaticElementInteractions | Enforce that static, visible elements (such as <div> ) that have click handlers use the valid role attribute. | |
noSubstr | Enforce the use of String.slice() over String.substr() and String.substring() . | |
noTemplateCurlyInString | Disallow template literal placeholder syntax in regular strings. | |
noTsIgnore | Prevents the use of the TypeScript directive @ts-ignore . | |
noUnwantedPolyfillio | Prevent duplicate polyfills from | |
noUselessEscapeInRegex | Disallow unnecessary escape sequence in regular expression literals. | |
noUselessEscapeInString | Disallow unnecessary escapes in string literals. | |
noUselessStringRaw | Disallow unnecessary String.raw function in template string literals without any escape sequence. | |
noUselessUndefined | Disallow the use of useless undefined . | |
useAdjacentOverloadSignatures | Disallow the use of overload signatures that are not next to each other. | |
useAriaPropsSupportedByRole | Enforce that ARIA properties are valid for the roles that are supported by the element. | |
useAtIndex | Use at() instead of integer index access. | |
useCollapsedIf | Enforce using single if instead of nested if clauses. | |
useComponentExportOnlyModules | Enforce declaring components only within modules that export React Components exclusively. | |
useConsistentCurlyBraces | This rule enforces consistent use of curly braces inside JSX attributes and JSX children. | |
useConsistentMemberAccessibility | Require consistent accessibility modifiers on class properties and methods. | |
useConsistentObjectDefinition | Require the consistent declaration of object literals. Defaults to explicit definitions. | |
useExplicitType | Require explicit return types on functions and class methods. | |
useExportsLast | Require that all exports are declared after all non-export statements. | |
useForComponent | Enforce using Solid’s <For /> component for mapping an array to JSX elements. | |
useGoogleFontDisplay | Enforces the use of a recommended display strategy with Google Fonts. | |
useGoogleFontPreconnect | Ensure the preconnect attribute is used when using Google Fonts. | |
useGuardForIn | Require for-in loops to include an if statement. | |
useParseIntRadix | Enforce the consistent use of the radix argument when using parseInt() . | |
useSortedClasses | Enforce the sorting of CSS utility classes. | |
useStrictMode | Enforce the use of the directive "use strict" in script files. | |
useSymbolDescription | Require a description parameter for the Symbol() . | |
useTrimStartEnd | Enforce the use of String.trimStart() and String.trimEnd() over String.trimLeft() and String.trimRight() . | |
useValidAutocomplete | Use valid values for the autocomplete attribute on input elements. |
Section titled performanceRule name | Description | Properties |
noAccumulatingSpread | Disallow the use of spread (... ) syntax on accumulators. | |
noBarrelFile | Disallow the use of barrel file. | |
noDelete | Disallow the use of the delete operator. | |
noReExportAll | Avoid re-export all. | |
useTopLevelRegex | Require regex literals to be declared at the top level. |
Section titled securityRule name | Description | Properties |
noDangerouslySetInnerHtml | Prevent the usage of dangerous JSX props | |
noDangerouslySetInnerHtmlWithChildren | Report when a DOM element or a component uses both children and dangerouslySetInnerHTML prop. | |
noGlobalEval | Disallow the use of global eval() . |
Section titled styleRule name | Description | Properties |
noArguments | Disallow the use of arguments . | |
noCommaOperator | Disallow comma operator. | |
noDefaultExport | Disallow default exports. | |
noDoneCallback | Disallow using a callback in asynchronous tests and hooks. | |
noImplicitBoolean | Disallow implicit true values on JSX boolean attributes | |
noInferrableTypes | Disallow type annotations for variables, parameters, and class properties initialized with a literal expression. | |
noNamespace | Disallow the use of TypeScript’s namespace s. | |
noNamespaceImport | Disallow the use of namespace imports. | |
noNegationElse | Disallow negation in the condition of an if statement if it has an else clause. | |
noNonNullAssertion | Disallow non-null assertions using the ! postfix operator. | |
noParameterAssign | Disallow reassigning function parameters. | |
noParameterProperties | Disallow the use of parameter properties in class constructors. | |
noRestrictedGlobals | This rule allows you to specify global variable names that you don’t want to use in your application. | |
noShoutyConstants | Disallow the use of constants which its value is the upper-case version of its name. | |
noUnusedTemplateLiteral | Disallow template literals if interpolation and special-character handling are not needed | |
noUselessElse | Disallow else block when the if block breaks early. | |
noYodaExpression | Disallow the use of yoda expressions. | |
useAsConstAssertion | Enforce the use of as const over literal type and type annotation. | |
useBlockStatements | Requires following curly brace conventions. | |
useCollapsedElseIf | Enforce using else if instead of nested if in else clauses. | |
useConsistentArrayType | Require consistently using either T[] or Array<T> | |
useConsistentBuiltinInstantiation | Enforce the use of new for all builtins, except String , Number and Boolean . | |
useConst | Require const declarations for variables that are only assigned once. | |
useDefaultParameterLast | Enforce default function parameters and optional function parameters to be last. | |
useDefaultSwitchClause | Require the default clause in switch statements. | |
useEnumInitializers | Require that each enum member value be explicitly initialized. | |
useExplicitLengthCheck | Enforce explicitly comparing the length , size , byteLength or byteOffset property of a value. | |
useExponentiationOperator | Disallow the use of Math.pow in favor of the ** operator. | |
useExportType | Promotes the use of export type for types. | |
useFilenamingConvention | Enforce naming conventions for JavaScript and TypeScript filenames. | |
useForOf | This rule recommends a for-of loop when in a for loop, the index used to extract an item from the iterated array. | |
useFragmentSyntax | This rule enforces the use of <>...</> over <Fragment>...</Fragment> . | |
useImportType | Promotes the use of import type for types. | |
useLiteralEnumMembers | Require all enum members to be literal values. | |
useNamingConvention | Enforce naming conventions for everything across a codebase. | |
useNodeAssertStrict | Promotes the usage of node:assert/strict over node:assert . | |
useNodejsImportProtocol | Enforces using the node: protocol for Node.js builtin modules. | |
useNumberNamespace | Use the Number properties instead of global ones. | |
useNumericLiterals | Disallow parseInt() and Number.parseInt() in favor of binary, octal, and hexadecimal literals | |
useSelfClosingElements | Prevent extra closing tags for components without children | |
useShorthandArrayType | When expressing array types, this rule promotes the usage of T[] shorthand instead of Array<T> . | |
useShorthandAssign | Require assignment operator shorthand where possible. | |
useShorthandFunctionType | Enforce using function types instead of object type with call signatures. | |
useSingleCaseStatement | Enforces switch clauses have a single statement, emits a quick fix wrapping the statements in a block. | |
useSingleVarDeclarator | Disallow multiple variable declarations in the same variable statement | |
useTemplate | Prefer template literals over string concatenation. | |
useThrowNewError | Require new when throwing an error. | |
useThrowOnlyError | Disallow throwing non-Error values. |
Section titled suspiciousRule name | Description | Properties |
noApproximativeNumericConstant | Use standard constants instead of approximated literals. | |
noArrayIndexKey | Discourage the usage of Array index in keys. | |
noAssignInExpressions | Disallow assignments in expressions. | |
noAsyncPromiseExecutor | Disallows using an async function as a Promise executor. | |
noCatchAssign | Disallow reassigning exceptions in catch clauses. | |
noClassAssign | Disallow reassigning class members. | |
noCommentText | Prevent comments from being inserted as text nodes | |
noCompareNegZero | Disallow comparing against -0 | |
noConfusingLabels | Disallow labeled statements that are not loops. | |
noConfusingVoidType | Disallow void type outside of generic or return types. | |
noConsole | Disallow the use of console . | |
noConstEnum | Disallow TypeScript const enum | |
noControlCharactersInRegex | Prevents from having control characters and some escape sequences that match control characters in regular expression literals. | |
noDebugger | Disallow the use of debugger | |
noDoubleEquals | Require the use of === and !== . | |
noDuplicateCase | Disallow duplicate case labels. | |
noDuplicateClassMembers | Disallow duplicate class members. | |
noDuplicateJsxProps | Prevents JSX properties to be assigned multiple times. | |
noDuplicateObjectKeys | Disallow two keys with the same name inside objects. | |
noDuplicateParameters | Disallow duplicate function parameter name. | |
noDuplicateTestHooks | A describe block should not contain duplicate hooks. | |
noEmptyBlockStatements | Disallow empty block statements and static blocks. | |
noEmptyInterface | Disallow the declaration of empty interfaces. | |
noEvolvingTypes | Disallow variables from evolving into any type through reassignments. | |
noExplicitAny | Disallow the any type usage. | |
noExportsInTest | Disallow using export or module.exports in files containing tests | |
noExtraNonNullAssertion | Prevents the wrong usage of the non-null assertion operator (! ) in TypeScript files. | |
noFallthroughSwitchClause | Disallow fallthrough of switch clauses. | |
noFocusedTests | Disallow focused tests. | |
noFunctionAssign | Disallow reassigning function declarations. | |
noGlobalAssign | Disallow assignments to native objects and read-only global variables. | |
noGlobalIsFinite | Use Number.isFinite instead of global isFinite . | |
noGlobalIsNan | Use Number.isNaN instead of global isNaN . | |
noImplicitAnyLet | Disallow use of implicit any type on variable declarations. | |
noImportAssign | Disallow assigning to imported bindings | |
noLabelVar | Disallow labels that share a name with a variable | |
noMisleadingCharacterClass | Disallow characters made with multiple code points in character class syntax. | |
noMisleadingInstantiator | Enforce proper usage of new and constructor . | |
noMisplacedAssertion | Checks that the assertion function, for example expect , is placed inside an it() function call. | |
noMisrefactoredShorthandAssign | Disallow shorthand assign when variable appears on both sides. | |
noPrototypeBuiltins | Disallow direct use of Object.prototype builtins. | |
noReactSpecificProps | Prevents React-specific JSX properties from being used. | |
noRedeclare | Disallow variable, function, class, and type redeclarations in the same scope. | |
noRedundantUseStrict | Prevents from having redundant "use strict" . | |
noSelfCompare | Disallow comparisons where both sides are exactly the same. | |
noShadowRestrictedNames | Disallow identifiers from shadowing restricted names. | |
noSkippedTests | Disallow disabled tests. | |
noSparseArray | Prevents the use of sparse arrays (arrays with holes). | |
noSuspiciousSemicolonInJsx | It detects possible “wrong” semicolons inside JSX elements. | |
noThenProperty | Disallow then property. | |
noUnsafeDeclarationMerging | Disallow unsafe declaration merging between interfaces and classes. | |
noUnsafeNegation | Disallow using unsafe negation. | |
noVar | Disallow the use of var | |
useAwait | Ensure async functions utilize await . | |
useDefaultSwitchClauseLast | Enforce default clauses in switch statements to be last | |
useErrorMessage | Enforce passing a message value when creating a built-in error. | |
useGetterReturn | Enforce get methods to always return a value. | |
useIsArray | Use Array.isArray() instead of instanceof Array . | |
useNamespaceKeyword | Require using the namespace keyword over the module keyword to declare TypeScript namespaces. | |
useNumberToFixedDigitsArgument | Enforce using the digits argument with Number#toFixed() . | |
useValidTypeof | This rule checks that the result of a typeof expression is compared to a valid value. |
Recommended rules
Section titled Recommended rules- noAccessKey (Severity: Error)
- noAriaHiddenOnFocusable (Severity: Error)
- noAriaUnsupportedElements (Severity: Error)
- noAutofocus (Severity: Error)
- noBlankTarget (Severity: Error)
- noDistractingElements (Severity: Error)
- noHeaderScope (Severity: Error)
- noInteractiveElementToNoninteractiveRole (Severity: Error)
- noLabelWithoutControl (Severity: Error)
- noNoninteractiveElementToInteractiveRole (Severity: Error)
- noNoninteractiveTabindex (Severity: Error)
- noPositiveTabindex (Severity: Error)
- noRedundantAlt (Severity: Error)
- noRedundantRoles (Severity: Error)
- noSvgWithoutTitle (Severity: Error)
- useAltText (Severity: Error)
- useAnchorContent (Severity: Error)
- useAriaActivedescendantWithTabindex (Severity: Error)
- useAriaPropsForRole (Severity: Error)
- useButtonType (Severity: Error)
- useFocusableInteractive (Severity: Error)
- useHeadingContent (Severity: Error)
- useHtmlLang (Severity: Error)
- useIframeTitle (Severity: Error)
- useKeyWithClickEvents (Severity: Error)
- useKeyWithMouseEvents (Severity: Error)
- useMediaCaption (Severity: Error)
- useSemanticElements (Severity: Error)
- useValidAnchor (Severity: Error)
- useValidAriaProps (Severity: Error)
- useValidAriaRole (Severity: Error)
- useValidAriaValues (Severity: Error)
- useValidLang (Severity: Error)
- noAdjacentSpacesInRegex (Severity: Error)
- noBannedTypes (Severity: Error)
- noEmptyTypeParameters (Severity: Error)
- noExtraBooleanCast (Severity: Error)
- noStaticOnlyClass (Severity: Error)
- noThisInStatic (Severity: Warning)
- noUselessCatch ((Severity: Information)
- noUselessConstructor ((Severity: Information)
- noUselessEmptyExport ((Severity: Information)
- noUselessFragments ((Severity: Information)
- noUselessLabel ((Severity: Information)
- noUselessLoneBlockStatements ((Severity: Information)
- noUselessRename (Severity: Error)
- noUselessSwitchCase ((Severity: Information)
- noUselessTernary ((Severity: Information)
- noUselessThisAlias ((Severity: Information)
- noUselessTypeConstraint ((Severity: Information)
- noWith (Severity: Error)
- useArrowFunction (Severity: Warning)
- useFlatMap (Severity: Error)
- useLiteralKeys (Severity: Error)
- useOptionalChain (Severity: Warning)
- useRegexLiterals (Severity: Error)
- useSimpleNumberKeys (Severity: Error)
- noChildrenProp (Severity: Error)
- noConstAssign (Severity: Error)
- noConstantCondition (Severity: Error)
- noConstructorReturn (Severity: Error)
- noEmptyCharacterClassInRegex (Severity: Error)
- noEmptyPattern (Severity: Error)
- noFlatMapIdentity ((Severity: Information)
- noGlobalObjectCalls (Severity: Error)
- noInnerDeclarations (Severity: Error)
- noInvalidBuiltinInstantiation (Severity: Error)
- noInvalidConstructorSuper (Severity: Error)
- noInvalidUseBeforeDeclaration (Severity: Error)
- noNonoctalDecimalEscape (Severity: Error)
- noPrecisionLoss (Severity: Error)
- noPrivateImports ((Severity: Information)
- noSelfAssign (Severity: Error)
- noSetterReturn (Severity: Error)
- noStringCaseMismatch (Severity: Error)
- noSwitchDeclarations (Severity: Error)
- noUnreachable (Severity: Error)
- noUnreachableSuper (Severity: Error)
- noUnsafeFinally (Severity: Error)
- noUnsafeOptionalChaining (Severity: Error)
- noUnusedLabels (Severity: Warning)
- noUselessContinue (Severity: Error)
- noVoidElementsWithChildren (Severity: Error)
- noVoidTypeReturn (Severity: Error)
- useIsNan (Severity: Error)
- useValidForDirection (Severity: Error)
- useYield (Severity: Error)
- noAccumulatingSpread (Severity: Error)
- noDangerouslySetInnerHtml (Severity: Error)
- noDangerouslySetInnerHtmlWithChildren (Severity: Error)
- noGlobalEval (Severity: Error)
- noApproximativeNumericConstant (Severity: Error)
- noArrayIndexKey (Severity: Error)
- noAssignInExpressions (Severity: Error)
- noAsyncPromiseExecutor (Severity: Error)
- noCatchAssign (Severity: Error)
- noClassAssign (Severity: Error)
- noCommentText (Severity: Error)
- noCompareNegZero (Severity: Error)
- noConfusingLabels (Severity: Error)
- noConfusingVoidType (Severity: Error)
- noConstEnum (Severity: Error)
- noControlCharactersInRegex (Severity: Error)
- noDebugger (Severity: Error)
- noDoubleEquals (Severity: Error)
- noDuplicateCase (Severity: Error)
- noDuplicateClassMembers (Severity: Error)
- noDuplicateJsxProps (Severity: Error)
- noDuplicateObjectKeys (Severity: Error)
- noDuplicateParameters (Severity: Error)
- noEmptyInterface (Severity: Error)
- noExplicitAny (Severity: Error)
- noExtraNonNullAssertion (Severity: Error)
- noFallthroughSwitchClause (Severity: Error)
- noFunctionAssign (Severity: Error)
- noGlobalAssign (Severity: Error)
- noGlobalIsFinite (Severity: Error)
- noGlobalIsNan (Severity: Error)
- noImplicitAnyLet (Severity: Error)
- noImportAssign (Severity: Error)
- noLabelVar (Severity: Error)
- noMisleadingCharacterClass (Severity: Error)
- noMisleadingInstantiator (Severity: Error)
- noMisrefactoredShorthandAssign (Severity: Error)
- noPrototypeBuiltins (Severity: Error)
- noRedeclare (Severity: Error)
- noRedundantUseStrict (Severity: Error)
- noSelfCompare (Severity: Error)
- noShadowRestrictedNames (Severity: Error)
- noSparseArray (Severity: Error)
- noSuspiciousSemicolonInJsx (Severity: Warning)
- noThenProperty (Severity: Error)
- noUnsafeDeclarationMerging (Severity: Error)
- noUnsafeNegation (Severity: Error)
- useDefaultSwitchClauseLast (Severity: Error)
- useGetterReturn (Severity: Error)
- useIsArray (Severity: Error)
- useNamespaceKeyword (Severity: Error)
- useValidTypeof (Severity: Error)